Learn how to make a real difference in lives with this Diploma
This qualification reflects the role of community services workers involved in the delivery, management and coordination of person-centred services to individuals, groups, and communities.
At this level, workers have specialised skills in community services and work autonomously within their scope of practice under broad directions from senior management.
Workers support people to make change in their lives to improve personal and social wellbeing and may also have responsibility for the supervision of other workers and volunteers. They may also undertake case management and program coordination.
To achieve this qualification, you must have completed at least 400 hours of work placement.
This course prepares you for work in a demanding and ever-changing industry, which requires a high level of skill, knowledge and expertise.
Experienced industry practitioners will guide you through the program, which combines theory and practical experience. Our classes involve lively in depth discussion and debate of social and community issues impacting on the lives of individuals and groups in society.
Topics such as such as human rights, diversity, family violence, child, family and youth issues, and child protection are explored.
You will develop skills in research and report writing, advocacy, casework, counselling, case management with opportunities to be involved in relevant student projects, for example; students run yearly forums on family and domestic violence with invited guests from industry.
This nationally recognised qualification will be highly valued by employers.
All learning is face to face in the class room, hands on practical projects inclusive of group work and role plays.
To undertake practical placement component Chisholm requires learners to complete one placement in semester 2 of 400 hours.
Community Work Australia, previously known as the Australian Community Workers Association, is a national professional body that accredits education and training courses for workers in the community services sector.
The Diploma of Community Services at Chisholm is both nationally recognised and accredited by Community Work Australia, which gives students a competitive edge for employment opportunities. Graduates can apply for full membership and registration with Community Work Australia and are strong candidates for employment in larger government departments.
Important: As a Community Work Australia accredited course, any recognition of prior learning (RPL), credit transfer and/or previous experience into the Diploma of Community Services will be capped in accordance with Community Work Australia guidelines. Please read the ‘RPL policy’ section of Community Work Australia's membership page to confirm the current cap.
Please note: Students may be required to undertake an assessment of their literacy and numeracy as part of their application process.
Chisholm is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and provides Nationally Recognised Training (NRT). This means you can be assured that our training will provide you with a qualification that is recognised and respected across Australia.
Chisholm courses are subject to minimum and maximum group numbers. Courses may be cancelled or postponed if minimum numbers are not achieved by the start date of the course. Courses may close prior to the start date if the maximum numbers are reached. In that situation, eligible applicants will be offered a place in the next available intake.