Course progression

Your student visa also requires you to meet satisfactory academic progress (course progression).

Your academic progress will be monitored by your teachers and the course coordinator. You must pass at least 50 per cent of your course in each study period (A study period is defined as a semester).

Some courses may have additional requirements, such as passing prerequisite units to allow standard progression to the next semester.

Your course coordinator will advise you and assist with opportunities to be reassessed. If you are required to repeat a failed unit there will be a cost to the student for each unit repeated. DHA requires Chisholm to report students who are not making satisfactory progress. Before reporting a student to DHA students who do not pass 50 percent in a study period will receive a warning letter and you may be placed on a student contract. A second consecutive fail will result in an Intent to Report to DHA letter being sent to you. This letter will advise that you have 20 working days to appeal the decision.

Students have the right to appeal through Chisholm’s formal appeal process or through an external appeals process, and you have the right to seek external legal advice. You must advise Chisholm if you are undertaking an external appeals process. If you choose not to access our appeals process, withdraw from the process, or your appeal isn’t successful, you’ll be reported to the DHA.

Student cessation of studies through ‘inactively’ notifying Chisholm

A student who ceases attending a course or does not return from leave and is not contactable by Chisholm, has ‘inactively’ advised the provider of his/her failure to continue studying. 

Chisholm defines the minimum student absence prior to recognising the student as ‘inactively’ notifying of cessation as being 14 working days.  Students will be considered to have ceased to attend their course ‘inactively’ by exceeding the minimum absence period of 14 working days by:

  • failing to return within 14 working days to the first timetabled class after a semester break
  • failing to return within 14 working days to the first timetabled class after approved mid-semester break; or
  • failing to attend consecutive timetabled classes for more than 14 working days.