There are a few things to get used to when you’re starting your journey with Chisholm. Here’s some information that will help.

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Prepare for your studies

Starting your studies doesn’t need to be stressful – a little preparation is all you need to make the first few weeks a breeze. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Accommodation – If travel isn’t your thing and you’ve decided to move closer to campus, allow yourself plenty of time to find new accommodation.
  • Materials and equipment – Some of our courses require you to buy materials or equipment, and some don’t – make sure you know what you need so that you can get straight into your studies from day one. You can find out more by phoning us at 1300 244 746.
  • Study – Prepare for study by creating a dedicated space at home, or check out our great library facilities on campus. A study plan can also help keep you focused and organised.
  • Work – If you have a job, let your employer know that you’re starting school – it will help you both. And if you need to find a new job to fit in with your studies, we can help! 
  • Adjustments – If you have a disability, or a mental health or medical condition, you may need reasonable adjustments. Let us know as soon as possible so that we can help put them in place for you. You can email us at:

Remember to make time for things in your life other than study, too. Balance is important!

If you need extra support to prepare for your studies, our Student Engagement Officers can help.

Course induction

Course induction is one of your most important first steps at Chisholm. Induction may be held on your first scheduled class or as a separate orientation session before the course starts – either way, make sure you attend.

At induction you will:

  • Meet your senior educator and teachers
  • Learn more about your course, including how it’s structured, the types of assessments and census date
  • Learn about Recognition of Prior Learning for previous study or work experience
  • Receive an equipment and book list and your timetable if you haven’t received it already.

You will also hear about lots of other aspects of your student experience at Chisholm, and we will even take you on a brief tour so you can see the student centre, library and other student spaces.

Tips for your first day

  • Get enough sleep the night before – A good night’s sleep will help you feel more refreshed and help you take in information.
  • Give yourself plenty of time to get there – Traffic, parking and finding your classroom can add to the stress of your first day, especially if you take a wrong turn. Give yourself extra time by arriving a little early.
  • Be prepared – Reread the information you received at enrolment or induction. It will tell you what to expect on your first day and the type of equipment, books or uniform you need to bring.
  • Keep smiling – Yes, your first day might be an overload of information, but try to keep it in perspective. It might strange now, but in a few weeks it will be second nature to you. Smile and enjoy getting to know your classmates and teachers: you will be together a long time supporting each other, and they are one of the best parts of your Chisholm experience.

Your rights: Policies and procedures

When you’re a student at Chisholm, it’s your responsibility to be aware of our policies and follow them.

The policies that may affect you are all in our Quality Management System (QMS).

Quality Management System 

Campus safety

At Chisholm, we aim to provide a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. Find out more about campus safety below.

Campus safety

Student ID cards

You will receive your Student ID card when you enrol. This card is essential for accessing many services through the Chisholm library as well as printing and photocopying. If you lose your ID card, contact Client Services straight away.

Parking on campus

Free parking is available for cars and motorbikes at Chisholm campuses, along with racks for bicycles.

Parking is free of charge, but you will need to register for a virtual parking permit.

Infringements will be issued if users park inappropriately or park without an ‘active’ registered vehicle.

How does it work?

The system uses license plate recognition to confirm parking eligibility.

Students and staff can register up to three vehicles in the online platform. Only one vehicle must be marked ‘active’ at a time.

Register your vehicle

Parking is at your own risk and you shouldn’t leave valuable items, like tools or equipment you need for your studies, unattended in the vehicle.

Finally, keep in mind that parking spaces fill up fast, so you might want to think about alternatives to driving like public transport or carpooling. Read Security and Parking for more information or check out Campus Locations for parking reference.