Since starting her career as an auditor with management consultancy Price Waterhouse Coopers, Chisholm accounting teacher Sharon Beattie has seen many changes in finance.

But accounting theory hasn’t changed, stresses Sharon. 

“What has changed is the subjects we teach, mainly because of technology and the advent of computer accounting. For example, MYOB and BAS agent courses - you must now have a recognised qualification if you’re going to prepare someone’s books," she says.

“Tax laws change all the time so you’ve got to keep up to date. As a teacher, it’s important to maintain currency.

“In the future I’m sure we’ll see more education in carbon accounting - the cost of your carbon footprint to your business and the effect on the environment.

“Add to that, we’re delivering more and more courses flexibly and online. And it’s exciting that Chisholm is now offering degrees including our new accounting degree in partnership with La Trobe University.”

Sharon has worked as an accounting teacher at Chisholm for more than 20 years. Prior to that, she was a secondary school careers adviser.

“I realised early on that I love accounting and I also enjoy teaching. That’s what prompted the move into TAFE and Chisholm," she says.

Now, what continues to inspire Sharon is the people she works with and especially seeing her students succeed.

“It’s very pleasing to see a student come through a course and achieve something they at first thought they couldn’t do.

“And it’s good to help a student plan an individual pathway to their goal. There can be many exit points and paths to get where you want to go.

“Everyone’s so different. People come with different backgrounds, some with prior learning credits and work experience.

“Before a course starts we sit down and say, ‘right, what can we do for you?’ It’s like planning an individual timetable, assessing the best way for each student to do each subject.

“That’s one of the reasons our courses and our graduates are highly regarded. I’m often asked by businesses if we can recommend any students for a particular job position.

“Employers know with a Chisholm student they’re getting quality.”

View our Accounting courses