We deliver the training your people need to provide quality person-centred care in health and community services settings. To learn more contact an Industry Specialist.

We offer a range of allied health, aged care, disability, and community and social services training solutions – from full qualifications to customised programs that support the specific needs of your organisation.

Our health and community services facilities

Our multi-million dollar Centre for Health in Berwick, and modern health facilities at our Frankston campus, feature specialised training and simulation laboratories, tailored teaching environments and excellent amenities that provide an enriched learning environment.

Health market overview

The (https://nationalindustryinsights.aisc.net.au/industries/health)health care and social assistance industry is the (https://nationalindustryinsights.aisc.net.au/industries/health) largest employing industry in Australia. Between 2002 and 2022, the employment level for this industry grew from approximately 901,800 to 2,024,400.

It makes up-to-date training critical to the success of this industry growth.


Types of training available

We work with you to tailor training for your team or organisation which can include:

  • skill sets
  • industry short courses
  • customised accredited courses.

Read our industry case studies.

Contact an industry specialist

Meet some of our teaching team