On the day: 

  • You will be provided with a graduation gown upon arrival. 
  • You will be provided with a mortarboard upon arrival. This can be taken home as a memento (only available for bachelor level qualification and above). 
  • You will be given a cylinder with a congratulatory letter from Chisholm’s CEO to take home as a memento. 


Upon arrival, please check in at the registration desk. Follow directions for registration and gowning, you will then be directed to the photography area for photos with your family and friends. After your photos are taken, please move outside where you will have an opportunity to have some light refreshments before the ceremony begins at 7:00pm sharp.  

Note: Graduands will be seated separately to family and friends. 

Daytime photoshoot only sessions

Each booking will be approximately 15 minutes long. This includes check in, gowning and photography. At the conclusion of your session, you will need to degown and return your gown and stole to a Chisholm staff member.

Note: only graduands will be permitted in gowning and degowning areas. Guests are to remain in the waiting area. If you arrive too early for your photoshoot you may be asked to wait outside to avoid groups gathering indoors. 

Only one family will be allowed in the session at one time.

Please note: Promotional photos and video may also be taken throughout the day which may include yourself or your guests. These photographs may be used on Chisholm’s social media and publications.

Email graduation@chisholm.edu.au if you have concerns about your photo being made public or used for promotional purposes.


Diprose Media will provide professional photography. There is no cost for photography! This is included in the ticket cost. Photos will available to download and print at your own cost three weeks after the photoshoot.  Please ensure you understand the photography permissions information.

Gowning and Registration 

You will find the registration table upon entry to the buildings at each location.  

Please check in and you will be directed to where to get your gown and where your photo session will take place. 

Dress Code and Academic Dress 

Smart casual. ; Strictly no thongs/flip flops, shorts, or denim. Your clothes will be seen under your gown. So, dress to impress! 

  • Certificate I to IV - Gown  
  • Diploma - Gown with spectrum green stole 
  • Advanced Diploma - Gown with spectrum orange stole 
  • Bachelor level and above - Gown with hood and mortarboard.

All academic dress is to be returned before you leave the building - you will not be able to leave the venue in your gown.