Education - the catalyst for a better life

This is an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. The Caroline Chisholm Education Foundation is seeking your support to provide a vocational education to the more vulnerable members of our community. 

Education grant-giving is about building a stronger community and changing lives. Disengagement and dependency on government and charitable welfare can have major economic and anti-social consequences.

Education can be the catalyst for a person to shift from whole or part dependence on welfare to being a productive contributor to their community.  It can also be the circuit breaker that removes or reduces a family’s reliance on welfare across multiple generations.

Download our Donor Proposal and read more about our scholarship recipients and how you can assist

Donating is easy

There are three ways to make a donation:

  1. Online. Donating to the Foundation has never been so easy.
    Donate now! Make an online donation at Give Now
  2. Download a Donation Form and once completed, return it as indicated.
  3. Contact the CCEF Executive Officer to have a chat about how you can support the Foundation.

Customising donations to meet your needs 

Donors can choose to donate scholarship funds by nominating funds to support a scholarship that:

  • represents a  qualification – such as “hospitality” or “accounting”
  • reflects a trade-based skill such as carpentry or automotive training 
  • supports a cultural or gender group such as women or refugees
  • assists a group of students such as youth or sufferers of mental health illness
  • is named after a loved  one – a memorial gift.

As Chisholm provides training to many thousands of students each year and offers more than 400 qualifications, the Foundation can develop donation packages to meet a broad range of needs.